
School Name
EQUALS International

Ayurveda focuses on absolute perfect health and not disease; it embraces all areas of life – health, career, relationships and universal spirituality. Experienced Ayurvedic Practitioners can achieve wonderful results through sophisticated detoxification processes, lifestyleadvice, diet, exercise and herbal therapy. Our accredited Educators include experienced Ayurvedic Practitioners some of whom originally trained in India and now work in the west.

Ayurvedic training at EQUALS covers

  • Ayurvedic Nutrition
  • Ayurvedic Cooking
  • Kitchen Pharmacy
  • Herbal Therapy
  • Pulse diagnosis
  • Tongue diagnosis
  • Marma – Triggerpoint therapy
  • Yoga & Pranayama
  • Ayurvedic Massage
  • Meditation
  • Ayurvedic Remedial therapies
  • Herbal Medicine Preparation
  • Lifestyle Disease Management
  • Lifestyle Counselling

Entry Requirements

minimum IELTS 5.5 (min 5.0 in any band)

Career Opportunities

  • Ayurvedic Lifestyle Management Consultant,
  • Ayurvedic Massage Therapist,
  • Ayurvedic Practitioner,
  • Health Food Consultant,
  • Ayurvedic Cook,
  • Vedic Life Coach,
  • Yoga & Meditation Practitioner

Study Subjects

Core Units

  • Establish and manage client relationships
  • Work with diverse people
  • Manage legal and ethical compliance
  • Reflect on and improve own professional practice
  • Engage with health professionals and the health system
  • Analyse and respond to client health information
  • Provide first aid
  • Manage the control of infection
  • Manage work health and safety
  • Develop Ayurvedic practice
  • Make Ayurvedic lifestyle assessments
  • Provide Ayurvedic bodywork therapies
  • Provide Ayurvedic lifestyle advice
  • Provide advice on Ayurvedic nutrition
  • Take cases within an Ayurvedic framework
  • Diagnose conditions within an Ayurvedic framework
  • Provide Ayurvedic remedial therapies
  • Provide therapeutic Ayurvedic nutritional advice
  • Select and advise on Ayurvedic medicines – dravyaguna
  • Prepare and dispense Ayurvedic medicines – dravyaguna
  • Monitor and evaluate Ayurvedic treatments

Elective Units

  • Market the small business
  • Undertake small business planning
  • Develop massage practice
  • Assess client massage needs
Time: 09:00 AM - 02:00 PM
Schedule: Mon-Tue-Thu-Wed
Level: Advanced Diploma
Duration: 24 months
Language: English
Price: A$ 24950
Application Fee: A$ 250

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