Certificate IV in Human Resources

School Name
Melbourne Education Institute

This qualification is suitable for individuals working or seeking to work in a range of human resources management positions. Job roles could include human resources assistants, human resources coordinators, human resources administrators and payroll officers.

A mixed delivery model is implemented including face to face training and training in simulated work environment. Training will take place at the Melbourne Education Institute facility at Level 1, 310 King Street, Melbourne VIC Australia 3000.

Entry Requirements

  • Students must be at least 18 years of age at the time of their course commencement at the college.
  • Students applying for this course will need to provide evidence of satisfactory completion of Australian Year 12 (or equivalent) or Diploma or higher.
  • (For International Students only) Either a minimum IELTS test score of 5.5 or equivalent for direct entry into a VET course or IELTS score of 4.5 or equivalent with an ELICOS (20 weeks) or an IELTS score of 5.0 or equivalent with an ELICOS (10 weeks) to be taken before the main VET course. ELICOS must be at least at General English Upper Intermediate or English for Academic Purposes Upper-Intermediate level.


Evidence that, within two years of their application date, they have successfully completed at least 2 years of qualification in Australia leading to AQF level 6 Advanced Diploma qualification or higher.

Career Opportunities

Level: Certificate IV
Duration: 12 months
Language: English
Price: A$ 12000
Application Fee: A$ 250

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